Sunday 15 July 2012

c# - Hangfire Installation/Startup -

c# - Hangfire Installation/Startup -

i've been experimenting hangfire today. looks cool product. unfortunately, environment not up-to-date. have vs 2010, .net 4.0 , sqlserver 2005. created new project , installed hangfire, hangfire.core, hangfire.net40.sqlserver, owin , knows else. project has no errors. references resolved.

i got lot of insight here @ stackoverflow , attempted configure startup class instructed.

public sub configuration(app iappbuilder) app.usehangfire( sub(config) ' basic setup required process background jobs. config.usesqlserverstorage("sqlserver") config.useserver() end sub) end sub

i created new sql user , empty database hangfire use. in web.config file added connection string:

<add name="sqlserver" connectionstring="server=sqlserver;database=hangfire;user id=hangfireapi;password=********;" />

i think i've covered bases @ runtime phone call usesqlserverstorage returns error:

locating source 'c:\_oss\common-logging\src\common.logging.core\logging\simple\nooplogger.cs'. checksum: md5 {7d f3 26 f7 66 5a 52 54 72 fe 23 b9 2 c1 cd 50} file 'c:\_oss\common-logging\src\common.logging.core\logging\simple\nooplogger.cs' not exist. looking in script documents 'c:\_oss\common-logging\src\common.logging.core\logging\simple\nooplogger.cs'... looking in projects 'c:\_oss\common-logging\src\common.logging.core\logging\simple\nooplogger.cs'. file not found in project.

i've searched without success file 'nooplogger.cs'. since project vb, i'm not sure why or how coming up.

i'd appreciate help on one.

hangfire uses features not compatible vs 2010 , sql 2005. see stackoverflow article identifies core issue. datetime2 not valid type in sql 2005!

c# sql-server-2005 hangfire

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