Sunday 15 July 2012

git status shows rename but it's incorrect -

git status shows rename but it's incorrect -

i utilize rails develop. have controller named cpc_admin_controller.rb total path app/controllers/cpc_admin_controller.rb, , helper named admin_helper.rb total path app/helpers/admin_helper.rb. remove method admin_helper.rb cpc_admin_controller.rb, , save, utilize git commit.

but git show messages follows

# changes committed: # (use "git reset head <file>..." unstage) # # renamed: app/helpers/admin_helper.rb -> app/controllers/cpc_admin_controller.rb # modified: app/helpers/admin_helper.rb

i think should show 2 modified this, not renamed

# changes committed: # (use "git reset head <file>..." unstage) # # modified: app/controllers/cpc_admin_controller.rb # modified: app/helpers/admin_helper.rb

someone can help me, tell me why?

as illustrated in this thread

git doesn't care individual files or renames, tracks whole trees. shows rename best guess based on contents of 2 files.

git status perform rename detection using heuristic. 1 time commit, see 2 files kept separate.

git rename

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