Sunday 15 July 2012

ios - Error detecting touch/tap on rect -

ios - Error detecting touch/tap on rect -

i trying observe touch on "rect" object in flash builder. can't seem touch event work. here code:

import; import; protected function init(event:flexevent):void { blue_button.addeventlistener(touchevent.touch_tap, colorselected); } private function colorselected(e:touchevent):void { level_label.text = "hello world"; }

(i have checked, , yes init function beingness called when creationcomplete)

and mxml:

<s:label id="level_label" top="24" width="39" height="42" fontsize="30" horizontalcenter="0" text="1" textalign="center" verticalalign="middle"/> <s:rect x="73" y="506" id="blue_button" width="30" height="30" radiusx="25" > <s:fill> <s:solidcolor color="#118bf4" alpha="1.0"/> </s:fill> </s:rect>

not sure if made error in code or not. in testing, label doesn't alter "hello world" when tap "blue_button" rect. in advance help!


ios actionscript-3 adobe flash-builder

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