Sunday 15 July 2012

java - c# call jar file with windows form -

java - c# call jar file with windows form -

i'm working apktool gui don't know how phone call jar file windows form. want create apktool gui programme don't have run cmd , type command , file path.

here code want make.

call apktool

process.start(java, string.join(" ", args));

prepare arguments

string[] args = { "-jar", apktool, "d", "-f ", filename, decompiled };

apktool = path apktool

filename = apk file name

decompiled = apktool create decompiled folder. decompiled folder name.

"d" = decompile mode

"-f" = overwrites file if exist (force)

the final command should like

-jar c:\apktool.exe d -f c:\bf.apk c:\decompiled

but want programme phone call jar file on location , not in c:/

you should utilize processstartinfo add together arguments.

java c# forms

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