Sunday 15 July 2012

javascript - Calling a function from a ngResource object not working -

javascript - Calling a function from a ngResource object not working -

lets have mill called 'stuff'.

app.factory('stuff', function($resource) { homecoming $resource('api/v1/stuff/', {}, { getthings: { method: 'get', params: {id: '@id'}, url: 'api/v1/things/:id', isarray: true } }); });

in mill have custom getthings function.

in controller, if this:

$scope.stuffs = stuff.query(); $scope.things = stuff.getthings({id: $scope.stuffs[0].id});

it works, , $scope.things want.

but if this:

$scope.stuffs = stuff.query(); $scope.things = $scope.stuffs[0].$getthings();

i error in angular-resource. ajax phone call happens right url , right info getthings errors out immediatly after getting data, , thing left in $scope.things looks promise:

object {then: function, catch: function, finally: function}

the error in js console is:

typeerror: undefined not function @ @ foreach ( @ $http.then.value.$resolved ( @ wrappedcallback ( @ wrappedcallback ( @ @ scope.$eval ( @ scope.$digest ( @ scope.$apply ( @ done (

i can't figure out why isn't working.

i believe promise returned on resource query. seek this:

stuff.query(function(response) { response[0].$getthings(function(things) { $scope.things = things; ); });


stuff.query() .$promise .then(function(stuff) { $scope.stuffs = stuff; homecoming stuff[0].$getthings(); }) .then(function(things) { $scope.things = things; });

javascript angularjs ngresource

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