Sunday 15 July 2012

ReSharper conflict with Stylecop over using directive order SA1210 SA1211 -

ReSharper conflict with Stylecop over using directive order SA1210 SA1211 -

stylecop 4.7 rules sa1210 , sa1211 require using directives sorted alphabetically. i've run conflict between stylecop's rule , resharper's applied sort: case-sensitivity.

resharper 8.2 performs case insensitive sort of directives, while stylecop's rule requires case sensitive sort. so, ran odd case next directives because of poor namespace choices (not own):

using ab.common; using ab.utility;

pressing ctrl-e-f sorts mutual first; rule requires utility first because of difference between ab , ab. i've gotten past removing stylecop rule , letting resharper's reformat reign. of course of study namespace should refactored, don't have option.

any other opinions how deal other turning off stylecop rule?

turning stylecop rule off seems best answer, there no need both resharper , stylecop check ordering.

but if want have them both on, alias namespaces like:

using common=ab.common; using utility=ab.utility;

resharper stylecop

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