Friday 15 February 2013

ios - UIButton positioned where half is in the air-is disabled? -

ios - UIButton positioned where half is in the air-is disabled? -

i have side uiview in screen size . side uiview, placed on left x @ -screen.width , dont see him .

than , in side view class view, adding little square uiview, @ right , @ screen.width , means on main view can see on left , little square side view .

this construction side menu effect .

in little square view, there uibutton , but button not responding touches .

i not want place side menu few pixels within screen, because may cover content .

hence, created construction side menu in screen size,it placed on minus screen size.width

and has little square comes screen ,and when force it, whole side view comes in .

why button disabled ? is because hang in air, part of not within superview ?


found great reply not working me

interaction beyond bounds of uiview

i have added parent view contains button , , log touch,but not working.

- (uiview *)hittest:(cgpoint)point withevent:(uievent *)event { cgfloat radius = 200.0; cgrect frame = cgrectmake(self.frame.size.width, 0, radius, radius); if (cgrectcontainspoint(frame, point)) { nslog(@"log"); homecoming self; } homecoming nil; } - (bool)pointinside:(cgpoint)point withevent:(uievent *)event { if (cgrectcontainspoint(self.bounds, point) || cgrectcontainspoint(menus.frame, point)) { homecoming yes; } homecoming no; }

thanks aaron , found indeed solution works :

interaction beyond bounds of uiview

but found improve way side menu without covering content of main screen, set height of side menu small, , set x appear little bit within main scene.

than when open it, moment before bringing cover main scene, alter height in screen height , way ,you dont cover content when menu closed, when open alter height total height .

hope can help .

ios objective-c uiview

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