Friday 15 February 2013

java - Spring batch parallel processing -

java - Spring batch parallel processing -

when run multiple instances of long running batch job using spring batch admin, blocks other jobs running after joblauncher thread pool task executor pool size reached. laucning multiple jobs cron seems work fine. below job launcher configuration.

<bean id="joblauncher" class=""> <property name="jobrepository" ref="jobrepository" /> <property name="taskexecutor" ref="joblaunchertaskexecutor" /> </bean> <task:executor id="joblaunchertaskexecutor" pool-size="6" rejection-policy="abort" />

is spring batch admin restful api using different job launcher other specified in xml config?

i suggest looking @ other taskexecutor options in spring framework. in worst-case, configure own threadpooltaskexecutor utilize cached threadpool, though caution against if number of concurrent jobs might have running big or unbounded.

this other so post provides illustration of sort of configuration.

java spring cron spring-batch

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