Friday 15 February 2013

javascript - Angular $update resource -

javascript - Angular $update resource -

edit: if it's hard troubleshoot without me posting more code, allow me know , can add together more question.

i have 2 instances of same code, , 1 of them working while other isn't.

working fine:

$scope.update = function() { var question = $scope.question; question.$update(function() { $location.path('questions/' + question._id); }); };

not working:

$scope.updateanswer = function() { var reply = $scope.answeredited; answer.$update(function() { $location.path('questions/' + $routeparams.questionid); }); $scope.toggleeditanswer(answer); };

i error: undefined not function @ $update function. here's resource:

angular.module('intquestapp') .factory('answers', function ($resource) { homecoming $resource('api/answers/:answerid', { answerid: '@_id' }, { update: { method: 'put' } }); });

what doing wrong? if understand flow correctly, answer.$update uses resource somehow? also, if utilize console.log view answer beingness updated, right one:

resource {_id: "543d8896039390eb5e000001", created: "2014-10-14t20:33:26.514z", creator: object, questionid: "543d8693994fc1685d000001", __v: 0…}

how can troubleshoot this?

could seek next , check if works?

$scope.updateanswer = function() { answers.update($scope.answeredited, function(response) { $location.path('questions/' + $routeparams.questionid); }); $scope.toggleeditanswer(answer); };

javascript angularjs angular-resource

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