Friday 15 February 2013

.net - Crystal Reports Viewer of windows forms not working in client machine -

.net - Crystal Reports Viewer of windows forms not working in client machine -

my windows application has embedded crystal study viewer , viewer works in developer machine.

developer machine has : sap crystal reports , version visual studio 2010 sap crystal reports runtime engine .net framework 4 (32 bit)

my client machine has : sap crystal reports runtime engine .net framework 4 (32 bit) ms .net framework 4 extended , client

i compiled application in x86 environment. copied release folder client machine , application freezes when crystal study viewer form opened. works in developer machines.

my code :

public sub retreivereceiptreport() dim myconnection new odbcconnection myconnection.connectionstring = "driver={mysql odbc 3.51 driver};server=localhost;port=3307;database=aiga;uid=root;pwd=vision18" dim mycommand new odbccommand mycommand.connection = myconnection mycommand.commandtext = "select amount, payment_mode, receipt_no, registrarusername, payment_from, purpose, date_format(receipt_date, '%d-%m-%y') receipt_date , tagged_to aiga_trn_treceipt registrarusername = '" & main.regusername & "' order receipt_no desc limit 1 " mycommand.commandtype = data.commandtype.text dim myda new odbcdataadapter myda.selectcommand = mycommand dim myds new dataset myda.fill(myds, "datatable2") mycommand.commandtext = "select * aiga.aiga_trn_registrar registrarusername ='" & main.regusername & "'" mycommand.commandtype = data.commandtype.text myda.selectcommand = mycommand myda.fill(myds, "datatable3") dim orpt new reportdocument dim path string = orpt.load(path + "\receiptformat.rpt") orpt.setdatasource(myds) receiptreportviewer.reportsource = orpt end sub

i did unit testing . result: single windows form crystalreportviewer command works well. if there navigation 1 windows form windows form, issue persists on newly opened form.

have installed crystal runtime visual studio 2010 on client? seek installing both x86 , x64 versions. pay particular attending deployment section of wiki.

.net crystal-reports crystal-reports-2010

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