Friday 15 February 2013

nginx - Rails app not accessible through subdomain -

nginx - Rails app not accessible through subdomain -

i have deployed rails 4 app onto digitalocean server. stack nginx-unicorn-ubuntu 14.04.

i have domain @ ( , domain has website hosted elsewhere ) created subdomain called, , pointed digitalocean server.

when head, result:

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html4.01//en"""> <html> <head> <title></title> </head> <frameset rows="100%,*" border="0"> <frame src="http://<ip address of droplet>" frameborder="0" /> <frame frameborder="0" noresize /> </frameset> <!-- pageok --> <!-- 03 --> <!-- --> </html>

when access app through ip address of droplet, app works fine. when head above page, blank page.

how create work?

found solution. problem wasn't rails. client had "forwarded" subdomain ip instead of adding record.

ruby-on-rails nginx unicorn digital-ocean

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