Saturday 15 June 2013

ruby on rails3 retrieve files from a remote server and make it available for download -

ruby on rails3 retrieve files from a remote server and make it available for download -

i have files on remote server in directory such as:

class="lang-none prettyprint-override">

so in web application, when user goes page (eg. want retrieve files remote server , create available user download.

so basically, webpage like

and when user clicks on one, downloads remote files onto local computer.

what best way accomplish on ruby on rails?

edit: pointed out in comments create sense pass through server rather direct link remote server.

edit2: 'open-uri' work non http urls?

when tried

url_file_path = open('172xx.xx7/test/data/').read send_data url_file_path, filename:, type: 'application/octet-stream'

errno::enoent: no such file or directory

you need "download" remote file first. in controller


def download send_data remote_file(params[:url]), type: 'application/octet-stream' end private def remote_file(url) open(url).read end

you might need

require 'open-uri'

normally u @ top of of controller

now can define route

get 'download' => 'your_controller#download', as: :download

now can utilize in frontend

= link_to 'download', download_path(url: '')

ruby-on-rails ruby

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