Monday 15 July 2013

jsf - rich:popupPanel form remembering old values -

jsf - rich:popupPanel form remembering old values -

i have jsf page powered session-based backing bean. page includes rich:popuppanel modal window contains form couple of cascading elements , couple of text boxes. first time input values form , press cancel button, popup disappears. when click on commandbutton displays popup again, drop-downs , input text boxes show input values, though reset underlying properties in backing bean. though jsf ui elements' state beingness cached, because debugging purposes print underlying property values @ bottom of popup , null (or empty).

why happening , there effective way reset form ui elements' state?

showing , hiding flipping between visible , invisible state. need rerender popup every time open if want utilize current values.

edit: sample code

<a4j:commandbutton render="popuppanelid" execute="@this" oncomplete="#{rich:component('popuppanelid'}.show()" value="click me" />

jsf richfaces

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