Monday 15 July 2013

php - Laravel selecting data with multiple where clauses and returning any pivot data -

php - Laravel selecting data with multiple where clauses and returning any pivot data -

i have relationship in app organisation can have many users , many users can have many organisations, in model looks this,


public function users() { homecoming $this->belongstomany('user')->withpivot('is_admin'); }


public function organisations() { $this->belongstomany('organisation'); }

what wanting do, run query has multiple clauses , homecoming row info , pivot data.

for 1 clause following,

$org = organisation::find(1); $orgusers = $org->users();

what cannot figure out how user multiple wheres if needed too?

assuming want add together wheree()'s users, might (eager loading users)

$constraints = ['fname' => 'john', 'lanme' => 'doe']; $org = organisation::with(['users' => function($query) utilize ($constraints){ foreach($constraints $field => $val) $query->where($field, $val); // or if want admin users using pivot table field $query->pivot->where('is_admin', true); }])->find($id);

or, them all, , filter them if need collection of users, , collection of admins

$org = organisation::with('users')->find($id); $admins = $org->users->filter(function($user){ homecoming $user->pivot->is_admin });

php mysql database laravel eloquent

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