Wednesday 15 January 2014

excel - How do I use a combo box to display information based on the user's selection? -

excel - How do I use a combo box to display information based on the user's selection? -

i have combo box few different selections:

selection 1 selection 2 selection 3

now know 1 time create selection homecoming number in whichever cell specify:

1 2 3

now let's have =sumifs function in next format:

=sumifs(data!$g:$g,data!$a:$a,account!$b$6,data!$b:$b,">=" & c5,data!$b:$b, "<=" & d5)

now have separate sheet "database" or raw info i'm using populate these cells data. if @

data!$g:$g (which column i'm summing)

is there way either way sum specific column based on combo box selection in =sumifs formula?

assuming combo box take column letter in a1:

=sumifs(indirect("data!" & $a$1 & ":" & $a$1),data!$a:$a,account!$b$6,data!$b:$b,">=" & c5,data!$b:$b, "<=" & d5)

this is, of course, assuming combo box lets select letter. if selections else , want letter hidden user, perhaps create hidden cell somewhere has nested if statement resulting in column letter tied each selection, have formula above reference cell.

excel excel-formula excel-2007 excel-2010

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