Wednesday 15 January 2014

java - Activiti using receiveTask to pause and resume an activiti -

java - Activiti using receiveTask to pause and resume an activiti -

i new activiti framework. learning concepts via prototypes. here prototype working : 1. have integrated activiti vaadin project 2.activiti version : 5.16.1

here process flow

my main vaadin java class starts process flow.the first service task modalwindow java class. @ point add together subwindow using ui.getcurrent().addwindow(modalwindow);

this window has textfield , submit button. @ point process wait user click on submit button.

what have tried far : 1. added receivetask between modalwindow , temptask. receive task signalled end in button.clicklistener of modalwindow class.

what happened : 1.once subwindow added main page, process continued till endevent, skipping on temtask. 2. when user clicked on submit, entire process started beginning!!

what required : on buttonclick how "unpause" process , go on onto temptask class.

could please guide me

you need using user task. user task initiated, process come in wait state until task explicitly completed using task.complete() api.

your vaadin application can automatically wait task assigned (look @ of task unit tests examples of how this) , enable submit button.

bpmn , activiti extremely powerful there many ways same thing.

let me know if need more help.

cheers, greg harley - bp3

java vaadin7 activiti

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