Wednesday 15 January 2014

Linden Scripting Language Post to PHP -

Linden Scripting Language Post to PHP -

when send request linden scripting language script php llhttprequest don’t values in php:

example: ( lsl )

if(group_invite == "yes") { list agents = llparsestring2list(this_agent_name, [" "], []); string params = lldumplist2string([ "firstname=" + lllist2string(agents, 0), "lastname=" + lllist2string(agents, 1)], "&"); llhttprequest( "http://mysite/post-page.php", [http_method,"post"], params); }

i never firstname , lastname values.

to submit arguments in format in post request, request must have content-type header set application/x-www-form-urlencoded:

llhttprequest( "", [http_method, "post", http_mimetype, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"], params);


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