Saturday 15 February 2014

OData not operator, or how to filter for all items which not startswith(...) -

OData not operator, or how to filter for all items which not startswith(...) -

i using sharepoint rest api, similar odata, don't know standard odata way. filter items not start string pattern. how 'not' operator written in odata? references list 'and' , 'or' operators , 'ne' operators, cannot find 1 'not'.

neither of next work:


not startswith(field, 'pattern')


startswith(field, 'pattern') ne true // yes know there no 'true' boolean literal.

even though diagram use odata query operations in sharepoint rest requests illustrates proper syntax startswith operator is:

filter=startswith(propertyname, 'string') eq boolean

it seems syntax accepts is:

filter=startswith(propertyname, 'string')

for example, request:

/_vti_bin/listdata.svc/pages?$filter=startswith(title,'sharepoint') eq false

returns pages title not start sharepoint

but same request using _api service endpoint

/_api/web/lists/getbytitle('pages')/items?$filter=startswith(title,'sharepoint') eq false

returns the query not valid exception.


utilize listdata.svc endpoint since fully supports syntax of startswith operator specified in odata specification.


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