Saturday 15 February 2014

python - Django user login after creation isn't working -

python - Django user login after creation isn't working -

i using django auth framework user registration, , log user in right away. here's code:

class signupview(formmixin, processformview): http_method_names = ['post'] form_class = usercreationform success_url = reverse_lazy('default_page') def form_valid(self, form): if form.cleaned_data['is_usertype_1']: self.success_url = reverse_lazy('some_page') user = authenticate(username=form.cleaned_data['username'], password=form.cleaned_data['password1']) if user none: raise exception("could not authenticate new user") login(self.request, user) homecoming super(signupview, self).form_valid(form) def form_invalid(self, form): pass

basically, have extended usercreationform add together is_usertype_1 field, , displaying booleanfield. , using data, determining user gets redirected after signup.

but problem arises when seek log created user in. no exception gets raised, reason, subsequent redirects still holds anonymoususer in request.user. when log in created user manually, login works fine. doing wrong here?

thanks help in advance.

it turns out it's same issue django automatic login after user registration (1.4)

following import statement:

from django.contrib.auth import forms auth_forms, views auth_views, login, authenticate

changed to

from django.contrib.auth import forms auth_forms, views auth_views django.contrib.auth import login auth_login, authenticate auth_authenticate

and updated login , authenticate phone call auth_login , auth_authenticate , seems work now.

thank help !

python django django-authentication

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