Tuesday 15 April 2014

asp.net - Unable to access div content from C# -

asp.net - Unable to access div content from C# -

i see space tags "\r\n "\r\n" innerhtml & innertext properties , not actual content. going wrong

rendered html:

<div id="urllist" runat="server"> http://test1t.com <br></br> http://test2.com <br></br> </div>


htmlcontainercontrol list = (htmlcontainercontrol)urllist; string string1 = list.innerhtml; string string2 = list.innertext; //this didnt work either string string1 = urllist.innerhtml; string string2 = urllist.innertext;

if remember correctly have utilize controls[0] find literal command contains text:

var div = (htmlgenericcontrol) urllist; var lit = (literalcontrol) div.controls[0]; string text = lit.text;

update: tested, works. text:

http://test1t.com <br></br> http://test2.com <br></br>

however, have tested approach , works also.

c# asp.net

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