Tuesday 15 April 2014

encoding - Change Windows 8 codepage in Python 3 Spyder console from cp1252 to utf-8 -

encoding - Change Windows 8 codepage in Python 3 Spyder console from cp1252 to utf-8 -

how 1 alter windows 8 codepage in python 3 spyder console cp1252 utf-8?

the code page apparently cp1252 evidenced

import locale locale.getpreferredencoding()

this means hard print non-ascii characters 'print' exception raised (unicodeencodeerror).

one possible solution .encode method , 'errors' argument.

u'\x9d'.encode('cp1252', errors='replace')

but why isn't there (or the) alternative alter console encoding utf-8. expecting alternative in 'preferences'.

another solution execute python file outside spyder like:

chcp 65001 c:\path_to_python\python.exe the_script.py

this works lacks integratedness of spyder.

i tried create batch file with

chcp 65001 c:\path_to_python\python.exe

and set "use next python interpreter" in "advanced settings", spyder not allow - @ to the lowest degree way tried it.

i neither create workaround working making batch script with:

chcp 65001 c\:path_to_spyder\spyder.exe

(spyder dev here) fixed in our next release (i.e. version 2.3.2). both input , output in console treated unicode release onwards, python 3 , python 2 well.

python encoding windows-8 utf-8 spyder

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