Tuesday 15 April 2014

uitableview - Is there a way to design Tinder/Twitter-self-profile-like header effect with table view in iOS? -

uitableview - Is there a way to design Tinder/Twitter-self-profile-like header effect with table view in iOS? -

i trying design similar what's seen on tinder , twitter own-profile view. there blurred background on tinder behind user's own profile picture, , view when swiped down, grows , blur fades, arriving in user's profile view (and on twitter, starts sharp, , blurs grows bigger, resulting in twitter business relationship selection view). i've seen particular effect on many apps lately, , want include in app too. effect/gesture have name? there easy way implement standard table view, or should start hard-coding it?

the basic design goes various names such parallax, sticky header, or stretchy header.

the specific effect you're looking parallax blur.

there few implementations @ github. here 2 a quick search:

twittercover sharp image blurs header grows.

parallaxblur blurred image becomes sharper header grows.

ios uitableview ios7

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