Friday 15 August 2014

directory - python raw input delete the zero in the begining? -

directory - python raw input delete the zero in the begining? -

i utilize code create directories inputs user when come in perfix 00 or 011 remove first digit , create folders names "0 , 11"

#asking inputs try: numran = int(raw_input("how many perfix want start ?\n")) except: print "perfix must number" sys.exit()

any explanation ?

this lines converts each line of input integer:

inpt = int(raw_input( "perfix %d : " % (i+1) ))

the int function ignores leading zeros in string.

but looks leave inpt string in case:

inpt = raw_input("perfix %d : " % (i + 1))

if want allow digits, utilize str.isdigit.

python directory

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