Friday 15 August 2014

javascript - Google Sites HTML Iframe (not gadget) -

javascript - Google Sites HTML Iframe (not gadget) -

i'm trying embed google drive folder within google site, folder shown users. why can't utilize insert --> drive --> folder.

i found @ post stackoverflow can show specift folder using html iframe , works perfectly.

now i'm trying embed iframe on google site no luck. i've tried 3 different ways:

1) using html box (insert --> html box)

this homecoming follow: removing disallowed attribute src on tag iframe

i used exact same html code works fine

<iframe src="" width="800" height="600" frameborder="0"></iframe> 2) using html service (google apps script)

i create google script goes this:

function doget() { homecoming htmlservice.createhtmloutputfromfile('index'); }


<html> <body> <p>hello stackoverflow</p> <iframe src="" width="800" height="600" frameborder="0"></iframe> </body> </html>

this shows "hello stackoverflow" , space iframe should be.

3) insert --> more gadgets --> include gadget (iframe)

this 1 works same url used in other methods:

but way useless me because need have command on users can , can't see google drive folder within google site.

notice has nil http or https or shield button on google chrome, because i'm using https url.

not sure if work, first access sharing settings of folder , create sure "everyone link can access".

then retry doing insert > google drive

javascript html iframe google-apps-script google-sites

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