Friday 15 August 2014

java - How to use if statements in templates templates.jsp? -

java - How to use if statements in templates templates.jsp? -

what problem in code... i've tried lot of solutions, error in if loop ..

<script type="text/template" id="tableitempageview"> <% if(%>${ } === <@= table.user @><%){ %> <td><@= @></td> <td><@= @></td> <td><@= table.changed @></td> <td><@= table.description @></td> <td class="correctuser"><a href="#tables/edit/<>">edit </a><a href="#tables/show/<>"> players</a><a id="removetable"> delete</a> <% }else{ %> <td><@= @></td> <td><@= @></td> <td><@= table.changed @></td> <td><@= table.description @></td> <% } %> </script>

on solution have 1 error , after "if" have error "syntax error on token "(", look expected after token".

i want check registered user same user created table...

i suggest utilize javaserver pages standard tag library or expression language instead of scriplet more easy utilize , less error prone.

use implicit object available in jsp access attribute scope.

use if core tag library

<c:if test="${ == ’xyz’}"> ... </c:if>

or utilize when/otherwise core tag library equivalent java switch statement

<c:choose> <c:when test="${ == ’xyz’}" > ... </c:when> <c:otherwise> ... </c:otherwise> </c:choose>

java jsp servlets

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