Tuesday 15 September 2015

asp.net - SQL timeouts at 3 minutes past full hour -

asp.net - SQL timeouts at 3 minutes past full hour -

i have problem has puzzled me while now. 1 time in while, 4-5 times week timeouts database @ hh:03 (or hh:02 think). i've been digging scheduled tasks on server investigate if there puts server it's knees in performance without findings.

i've gone fas i've made watchdog application when query has 1 seconds left of it's max query time checks processlist database , emails me. process list contains 1 entry , that's entry timeout exception.

to farther add together complexity have many customers application it's 1 of customers timeout. customers run same code have different databases, different application pools different application pool identities.

the application asp.net application. database microsoft sql 2008 r2 express edition.

has heard of this? can give me pointers investigate in order resolve issue?

kind regards

sql asp.net .net sql-server sql-server-2008

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