Tuesday 15 September 2015

authentication - Ember Simple-Auth with API for LDAP -

authentication - Ember Simple-Auth with API for LDAP -

i want authenticate on client don't have manage session on server. seems possible ember-cli-simple-auth, don't know first thing how create custom authenticator pass login credentials backend api (spring java). couple months ember , ember-cli well, flood of things larn has been daunting.

there's plenty of stuff authenticating oauth2 , such, that's not need. intranet application, need pass credentials server, server authenticates ldap, , has homecoming (what, i'm not sure, that's else need know) simple-auth can recognize user authenticated or not.

again, sorry if have phrased better. i'm @ stage hardly know how inquire question, why i'm asking here.

authentication ember.js ldap ember-cli ember-simple-auth

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