Monday 15 February 2010

apache - We are no longer going to support SSLv3 but we want to redirect Browsers using SSLv3 to another page -

apache - We are no longer going to support SSLv3 but we want to redirect Browsers using SSLv3 to another page -

we notified akamai no longer going take sslv3 cipherspec.

we disabling sslv3 on our web servers, , in tests "unknown protocol" errors. don't want leave our customers hanging weere, , redirect them informational page instead.

is there way this?

i think understand question. since server not respond sslv3 request , browser study "secure connection failed" error message, gives user no clue on went wrong. so, want inform users how can prepare issue.

i not sure if work akamai suggestion mod_rewrite redirection based on condition:

rewriteengine on rewritecond %{ssl:ssl_protocol} ^sslv3$ rewriterule ^.*$ [l,r=302]

this redirects can alter url own help page needed.

apache ssl

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