Monday 15 February 2010

ruby on rails - Create packages with active_shipping -

ruby on rails - Create packages with active_shipping -

i utilize active_shipping gem calculate shipping cost , have bundle can have several identical objects. utilize packageitem class these when utilize find_rates method have error.

nomethoderror: undefined method 'inches' #<activemerchant::shipping::packageitem:0x007fec95f24610>

that illustration how utilize it:

origin = 'us', zip: '91801') dest = 'us', zip: '90001') packages = packageitem('test', 32, 18, 15, units: :imperial) carrier = 'login') carrier.find_rates(origin, dest, packages)

this initializer packageitem:

def initialize(name, grams_or_ounces, value, quantity, options = {}) @name = name majestic = (options[:units] == :imperial) || (grams_or_ounces.respond_to?(:unit) && m.unit.to_sym == :imperial) @unit_system = majestic ? :imperial : :metric @weight = attribute_from_metric_or_imperial(grams_or_ounces, mass, :grams, :ounces) @value = package.cents_from(value) @quantity = quantity > 0 ? quantity : 1 @sku = options[:sku] @hs_code = options[:hs_code] @options = options end

value item cost, thats how understand this.

if using usps carrier, error can create in place:

def self.size_code_for(package) if package.inches(:max) <= 12 'regular' else 'large' end end


i think need using package module instead of packageitem module (which doesn't appear have quantity, you'll have duplicate package objects higher quantities).

see note documentation of packageitem: (

this required shipping methods (label creation) right now.

ruby-on-rails activemerchant

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