Monday 15 February 2010

hash - Persisting Hashes in Ruby -

hash - Persisting Hashes in Ruby -

i trying solve simple ruby quiz problem , having problem working hashes. when create wallet regular variable loop has no thought bout variable wallet , when create @wallet merge not persisted when returned after loop.

i have tried merge! collect garbage , keeps info previous test.

class coins coinstar = { :h=>50,:q=>25,:d=>10,:n=>5,:p=>1 } def self.make_change(value) homecoming {} if value == 0 coinstar.each |k,v| wallet = if value >= v wallet.merge(k=>value / v) value = value - (v * (value % v)) end end wallet end end #test run coins.make_change(26) coins.make_change(91) coins.make_change(1) #=>returns # {:p=>1, :q=>1} # {:p=>1, :q=>1, :h=>1} # {:p=>1, :q=>1, :h=>1}

any ideas on how persist hash without collecting info previous test?

to work, need prepare 3 problems.

first, ymonad notes, move wallet = before each loop.

second, alter merge merge!.

third, alter value = value - (v * (value % v)) value = value % v.

the first alter needed move wallet scope of method def self.make_change rather scope of each loop.

the sec alter needed want persist info through iterations of each loop (so half dollars, quarters, dimes, nickels, , pennies added).

the 3rd alter needed create sure value equals number of coins remaining (e.g, value 91, v 50, 91 % 50 = 41 91 - (50 * (91 % 50)) = 91 - (50 * 41) = (91 - 2050) = -1959).

ruby hash persistent persist

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