python - Is it possible to suspend a Celery beat task but have other beat tasks still work? -
celery_app.conf.update( celerybeat_schedule = { 'taska': { 'task': 'crawlerapp.tasks.manual_crawler_update', 'schedule': timedelta(seconds=3600), }, 'taskb': { 'task': 'crawlerapp.tasks.auto_crawler_update_day', 'schedule': timedelta(seconds=3600), }, 'taskc': { 'task': 'crawlerapp.tasks.auto_crawler_update_hour', 'schedule': timedelta(seconds=3600), }, })
there 3 beat tasks in application. when beat tasks run, utilize flower
manage tasks.
when find there bug in 1 task, must stop whole task modify bug. restart celery.
is possible stop 1 task , allow other tasks go on running?
yes, possible. 1 way queue 3 tasks in different queues , have different workers run tasks.
by whenever have problem task, can stop corresponding worker. prepare issue , run worker again. other 2 workers executing tasks usual.
for example, schedule periodic task this
from celery.decorators import periodic_task celery.schedules import crontab @periodic_task(run_every=crontab(minute=0, hour='*/1'), queue='q1', options={'queue': 'q1'}) def taska(): #do
and start worker
celery -a your_app worker -l info -q q1 -b
python task celery celerybeat
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