Monday, 15 March 2010

how to put the select range dialog box onto an excel vba form as a gui control -

how to put the select range dialog box onto an excel vba form as a gui control -

some built in excel formulas , functions require select range , give gui command so.

how can incorporate 1 of these range gui controls vba form allow user select range?

an illustration of select range gui command can found on create new formula rule (for conditional formatting) below.

this called refedit control.

you may need enable right-clicking controls toolbox , selecting alternative "additional controls". scroll downwards , check box refedit.ctrl. add together icon controls toolbox (it 3rd right, in sec row in screenshot).

you may also need enable references in vbe:

these controls homecoming address string based on range selected user.

note command not seem play if user form shown vbmodeless. if don't know means, don't need worry it. form's default behavior .show vbmodal, , should work in context. see here other potential pitfalls when using refedit control.

excel vba user-interface control range

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