Monday, 15 March 2010

Returning a simpler Iterator interface instead of a Map in Rust -

Returning a simpler Iterator interface instead of a Map in Rust -

i'd write this:

fn fibs() -> std::iter::iterator<int> { homecoming std::iter::iterate((1i, 1i), |(a, b)| { (b, + b) }).map(|(a, _)| a) }

but if do, error:

error: explicit lifetime bound required fn fibs() -> std::iter::iterator<int> { ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

if, instead write out total interface, compiles:

fn fibs() -> std::iter::map<'static, (int, int), int, std::iter::iterate<'static, (int, int)>> { homecoming std::iter::iterate((1i, 1i), |(a, b)| { (b, + b) }).map(|(a, _)| a) }

is there way homecoming simpler interface?

there not @ nowadays way homecoming abstract type such iterator<t>, can’t assign type of variable (let x: iterator<uint>; won’t compile same reasons).

this has been discussed , desired; when done in form fn fibs() -> impl iterator<uint>, can’t yet.


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