Saturday 15 May 2010

java - Failure trying to deploy GWT on Apache Tomcat -

java - Failure trying to deploy GWT on Apache Tomcat -

i working on gwt application. app. working in dev mode.

i working on gwt project , trying deploy apache tomcat. have never used apache tomcat before , rather new java , gwt. tomcat server seems , running see "if see have succesfully installed tomcat" on localhost:8080/

after got tomcat , running used eclipse gwt compile compile app. have copied .html file , .css file + war folder c:\apache-tomcat-8.0.15\webapps\myapp\

opening .html file (file:///c:/apache-tomcat-8.0.15/webapps/purchaseorder/purchaseorder.html) gives me ui (login screen), when making first rpc phone call (loggin in) getting error "failureunable initiate asynchronous service invocation (purchaseorderservice_proxy.checkusernameandpassword) -- check network connection"

my thougts wrong in web.xml or service class bundle; import java.util.arraylist; import java.util.hashmap; import; import; import; import; @remoteservicerelativepath("exampleservice") public interface purchaseorderservice extends remoteservice { boolean checkusernameandpassword(string value, string value2); arraylist<item> getpersonalinfo(); hashmap<string, arraylist<item>> getlistofpurchaseordersortedfrombrands(); string createexcelexportfile(hashmap<string, arraylist<item>> exportmap); }


<!-- servlets --> <servlet> <servlet-name>purchaseorderserviceimpl</servlet-name> <servlet-class></servlet-class> </servlet> <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>purchaseorderserviceimpl</servlet-name> <url-pattern>/purchaseorder/exampleservice</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping> <!-- default page serve --> <welcome-file-list> <welcome-file>purchaseorder.html</welcome-file> </welcome-file-list> </web-app>

opening .html file (file:///c:/apache-tomcat-8.0.15/webapps/purchaseorder/purchaseorder.html) gives me ui (login screen), when making first rpc phone call (loggin in) getting error "failureunable initiate asynchronous service invocation (purchaseorderservice_proxy.checkusernameandpassword) -- check network connection"

this not how access application running in tomcat. tomcat running @ localhost:8080 have access using http://localhost:8080/<app_context_root>/filename.html

java eclipse apache tomcat gwt

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