Saturday 15 May 2010

magento 1.8 - multi store language Change currency on a page -

magento 1.8 - multi store language Change currency on a page -

i have deal.phtml file loads 20pcs of products on specific page. have multi store language shop , have noticed cost not switching when choosing currency.

just stuck local currency , symbol (the currency switching working other pages page deal.phtlm file). first code lines start:

<?php $_helper = $this->helper('catalog/output'); ?> <?php if (($_products = $this->getproductcollection()->addattributetosort('position', 'desc')->addattributetoselect('*')) && $_collectionsize = $_products->getsize()): ?> <?php $symbol = mage::app()->getlocale()->currency($_code)->getsymbol();?>

any thought how include other currencies? want include usd, euro, gbp.

here thing:

$storeid = mage::app()->getstore()->getstoreid(); $symbol = mage::app()->getstore($storeid)->getcurrentcurrencycode();


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