Thursday 15 July 2010

delphi - What is the best practice for checking if the edit not empty -

delphi - What is the best practice for checking if the edit not empty -

i'm wondering best practice validate edit not empty

if edt1.text <> '' //dosomething else showmessage('check 1'); if edt1.text = '' showmessage('check 2') else //dosomething

reading text property loads edit's current content memory temporary string . if want check if edit empty, there more efficient way that:

if edt1.gettextlen > 0 // not empty else // empty

of course, length > 0 if edit contains characters @ all, if whitespace. if need ignore leading/trailing whitespace, have no selection retrieve total text , trim it:

if trim(edt1.text) <> '' // not empty else // empty


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