Thursday 15 July 2010

vagrantfile - Vagrant Package Include Files are missing -

vagrantfile - Vagrant Package Include Files are missing -

i can't figure out how included files packaged vagrant box.

the bundle created with:

$ vagrant bundle --include mydirectory/ --output

then box added

$ vagrant box add together --name mypackagewithfiles

then init , vagrant up

$ vagrant init mypackagewithfiles $ vagrant

but when ssh newly created vagrant box, there no "mydirectory/"

i see on local machine though:

$ ls ~/.vagrant.d/boxes/mypackagewithfiles/0/virtualbox/include/ mydirectory/

how directory vagrant box? have add together vagrantfile?

try adding next vagrant file, before end-line:

config.vm.synced_folder "~/.vagrant.d/boxes/mypackagewithfiles/0/virtualbox/include/mydirectory/", "~/mydirectory"

the first parameter local , sec remote path of folder.

also there lot of other parameters, can read here.

vagrant vagrantfile

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