azure - Invoking a simple worker role -
i'm trying gain understanding , experience in creating background processes on azure.
i've created simple console app , converted azure worker role. how invoke it? tried utilize azure scheduler looks scheduler can invoke worker role through message queues or http/https.
i never thought type of communication thought create background process not communicate other app. need convert worker role web role , invoke using azure scheduler using http/https?
worker role has 3 events:
onstart onrun onstoppublic class workerrole : roleentrypoint { manualresetevent completedevent = new manualresetevent(false); public override void run() { //your background processing code completedevent.waitone(); } public override bool onstart() { homecoming base.onstart(); } public override void onstop() { completedevent.set(); base.onstop(); } }
the moment run/debug console converted worker role. first 2 (onstart & onrun) fires in sequence. in onrun have maintain thread alive, either using while loop or using manualresetevent
background processing code live.
onstop fired when either release thread onrun or un-expected goes. place dispose objects. close unclosed file-handles database connection etc.
azure azure-worker-roles azure-scheduler
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