Wednesday 15 September 2010

CSS3 background - incomplete spec? -

CSS3 background - incomplete spec? -

in chrome right now, background style spec:

background: color position/size repeat origin clip attachment image|initial|inherit;

but cannot position/size fragment work;

i should able red top left 100% 100% no-repeat url() or red top left contain url() or red contain url() -- none of these render results.

of course of study can specifying individual background-* attributes. spec broken or chrome?? o_o

css background attribute syntax this:

background: [ <background-color> || <background-image> || <background-repeat> || <background-attachment> || <background-position> ] | inherit ;


background: reddish url("../images/image.jpg") no-repeat scroll top left;

as background-size attribute, it's css3. should utilize separately.


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