Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Python/Cython trouble importing files and methods -

Python/Cython trouble importing files and methods -

there 2 issues both relating importing may or may not cython related?

i have next simplified files recreate problem. files in same directory. .pyx files have compiled *.so, *.pyc , *.c files.

from distutils.core import setup import cythonize setup( ext_modules=cythonize("*.pyx"), )

cy1.pyx: (cython)

cdef int timestwo(int x): homecoming x * 2


cdef int timestwo(int x) (normal python)

def tripleit(x): homecoming x*3

from cy1 import timestwo print str(timestwo(5))

gives me error: importerror: cannot import name timestwo

if alter to:

import pyximport; pyximport.install() import cy1 print str(cy1.timestwo(5))

it tells me: attributeerror: 'module' object has no attribute 'timestwo'

if take out cython , seek utilize normal python phone call

import cy3 print str(cy3.tripeleit(3))

i get: attributeerror: 'module' object has no attribute 'tripeleit'

and lastly if do:

from cy3 import tripleit print str(tripeleit(3))

i get: nameerror: name 'tripeleit' not defined

sorry if super basic cannot seem figure out :(

the problem in

from cy1 import timestwo print str(timestwo(5))

you trying import function defined cdef.

to expose function python have either utilize def or cpdef. perchance have maintain cdef in order cimport other cython files, justifying why have pxd file. in case have c-like function , wrapper can called python.

in case cy1.pyx file like:

cdef int ctimestwo(int x): homecoming x * 2 def timestwo(x): # <-- little wrapper expose ctimestwo() python homecoming ctimestwo(x)

and cy1.pxd file:

cdef int ctimestwo(int x)

such can cimport ctimestwo function.

python python-2.7 cython importerror

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