Tuesday 15 March 2011

Visual Studio 2013.3 publish to azure website via web deploy validate connection fails with no error code -

Visual Studio 2013.3 publish to azure website via web deploy validate connection fails with no error code -

in visual studio 2013.3 have created test .net 4.5 c# mvc 5 project run in azure website. created new azure a/c , logged in vs. when seek , publish project (running vs administator) validate connection fails no error code. have re-downloaded publish settings azure create sure have right publish settings. message is: (2014-10-27 11:04:13) error occurred when request processed on remote computer. server experienced issue processing request. contact server administrator more information.

when seek , publish project anyway next message:

c:\program files (x86)\msbuild\microsoft\visualstudio\v12.0\web\microsoft.web.publishing.targets(4270,5): error : web deployment task failed. ((2014-10-27 11:06:25) error occurred when request processed on remote computer.)

(2014-10-27 11:06:25) error occurred when request processed on remote computer. server experienced issue processing request. contact server administrator more information. publish failed deploy.

i have installed latest azure sdk visual studio 2013 2.4.1 via ms web plaform installer 5. online azure management pages shows default website running. i'm running windows 8.1.

one thing have noticed if alter sitename in publish settings get:

could not connect remote computer [...] remote name not resolved.

also when seek ping remote url i.e. [sitename].scm.azurewebsites.net:443 times out, however, can access via browser.

[update] changing output verbose message:

(2014-10-27 12:28:01) error occurred when request processed on remote computer. server experienced issue processing request. contact server administrator more information. @ microsoft.web.deployment.agentclientprovider.gethttpresponse(httpwebrequest request) @ microsoft.web.deployment.agentclientprovider.performheadrequesthelper(boolean getversioninfo, version& maximumsupportedversion, version& minimumsupportedversion) @ microsoft.web.deployment.agentclientprovider..ctor(deploymentprovidercontext providercontext, deploymentbasecontext basecontext, string serverversion) @ microsoft.web.deployment.deploymentmanager.createobjectprivate(deploymentprovidercontext providercontext, deploymentbaseoptions baseoptions, deploymentobject sourceobject, string serverversion) @ microsoft.web.deployment.deploymentmanager.createdestinationobject(deploymentprovideroptions provideroptions, deploymentbaseoptions baseoptions, deploymentobject sourceobject, string serverversion) @ microsoft.web.deployment.deploymentobject.syncto(deploymentprovideroptions provideroptions, deploymentbaseoptions baseoptions, deploymentsyncoptions syncoptions) @ callsite.target(closure , callsite , object , object , object , object ) @ system.dynamic.updatedelegates.updateandexecutevoid4[t0,t1,t2,t3](callsite site, t0 arg0, t1 arg1, t2 arg2, t3 arg3) @ microsoft.web.publishing.tasks.vsmsdeployobject.syncto(vsmsdeployobject destobject, object syncoptions, ivsmsdeployhost _host) @ callsite.target(closure , callsite , vsmsdeployobject , vsmsdeployobject , object , ivsmsdeployhost ) @ system.dynamic.updatedelegates.updateandexecutevoid4[t0,t1,t2,t3](callsite site, t0 arg0, t1 arg1, t2 arg2, t3 arg3) @ microsoft.web.publishing.tasks.basemsdeploydriver.invokemsdeploysync() @ microsoft.web.publishing.tasks.vsmsdeploydriverincmd.startsync() @ microsoft.web.publishing.tasks.basemsdeploydriver.syncthrumsdeploy() @ microsoft.web.publishing.tasks.vsmsdeploy.execute() vsmsdeploy: publish failed deploy. done executing task "vsmsdeploy" -- failed.

many in advance. will

i ran similar problem while trying publish azure mobile service. managed rid of problem using msdeploy.exe -verb:delete parameter. cannot provide exact command line case, in case i've downloaded .publishsettings file azure management portal , i've run next command:

set msdeploypath=c:\program files\iis\microsoft web deploy v3\ "%msdeploypath%"\msdeploy.exe -verb:delete -dest:contentpath=<site name here>,publishsettings=<path downloaded .publishsettings file here>,authtype='basic'

without .publishsettings file you'd have deal detailed parameters: computername, username , password.

after running above command, publish mobile service vs.

visual-studio azure publish

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