Wednesday 15 June 2011

c# - Conditionally blocking IEnumerable yield return result -

c# - Conditionally blocking IEnumerable<t> yield return result -

i'm hoping can help me find more efficient solution problem below. i'm using ienumerable yield homecoming pattern in multi-threaded pipeline. under conditions working great, however, have scenarios need operations in pipeline occur synchronously instead of in parallel threads right result. (i.e. running concurrency issues).

existing code is:

public override ienumerable<row> execute(ienumerable<row> rows) { foreach (row row in rows) { //do work.... yield homecoming row; } }

i'm thinking of creating optional parameter controls blocking vs. non blocking output of enumerator; along lines of:

public override ienumerable<row> execute(ienumerable<row> rows, bool blockingexecution) { if (blockingexecution) { homecoming blockingexecute(rows); } else { homecoming nonblockingexecute(rows); } } private ienumerable<row> nonblockingexecute(ienumerable<row> rows) { foreach (row row in rows) { //do work.... yield homecoming row; } } private ienumerable<row> blockingexecute(ienumerable<row> rows) { list<row> blockingresult = new list<row>(); foreach(row r in nonblockingexecute(rows)) { blockingresult.add(r); } homecoming blockingresult; }

in blockingexecute function seems inefficient create re-create of ienumerable list forcefulness entire pipeline flush. there improve way this?

in general, "blocking execution" grade of inefficient. i'd utilize toarray form, , non-blocking version little confusing. supposed work each 1 blocking 1 doesn't?

i this.

public override ienumerable<row> execute(ienumerable<row> rows, bool blockingexecution) { if (blockingexecution) { homecoming rows.toarray(); } else { homecoming nonblockingexecute(rows); // or "return rows". seems best // practice here, in cases anyway // move work elsewhere } } private ienumerable<row> nonblockingexecute(ienumerable<row> rows) { foreach (row row in rows) { //do work.... yield homecoming row; } }

but yes, blocking version require multiple iterations of same list still (one create array, 1 presumably read it). i'm not sure there's way escape that, since want way of loading memory.

c# multithreading ienumerable yield-return

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