Wednesday 15 June 2011

How to add a file as attachment in Spring integraion Webservices outbound gateway -

How to add a file as attachment in Spring integraion Webservices outbound gateway -

i have spring integration outbound gateway webservices. till time, send request in xml format web services. now, need send file part of request web service. how that? below spring integration chain existing configuration:

<!-- chain process requests xxxxx--> <int:chain id="pstestchain" input-channel="pstestinputchannel" > <!-- set transformer input message --> <int:transformer method="transform" ref="testrequestxformer"/> <!-- spring integration chain first adds service name , service operation headers spring integration message using header <int:header-enricher> <int:header name="#{xxxxxxxxx}" value="testsearch" /> <int:header name="#{xxxxxx}" value="searchbytestidentifier" /> </int:header-enricher> <!-- ws outbound gateway used create outgoing soap call. --> <int-ws:outbound-gateway id="simplegateway" destination-provider="testdestinationprovider" message-sender="testhttpsmessagesender" interceptor="test_wss4jinterceptor" header-mapper="testsoapheadermapper"/> <!-- set transformer output message --> <int:transformer method="transform" ref="testresponsexformer"/> </int:chain>

take look, please, mtom sample spring ws project.

since spring integration ws module based on spring ws, think there won't mutch difference build jaxb object attachements message payload , send <int-ws:outbound-gateway> marshaller injection.

we have open issue on matter, don't have plenty time see should there.

i've raised ticket spring integration samples track ability of mtom in spring integration.

attachment spring-integration

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