Monday 15 August 2011

ios - Tableview with UICollectionView inside scroll not smoothly -

ios - Tableview with UICollectionView inside scroll not smoothly -

i have implemented ui model:

tableview have rows 1 collectionview

i have problem. when scroll tableview scroll isn't smoothly. profiling tool told me time gas been allocated collectionview reuse within tableview cell. solution? going crazy :(

refs to: independent scrolling each section of uicollectionview?

i have found time profiler that:

func collectionview(collectionview: uicollectionview, cellforitematindexpath indexpath: nsindexpath) -> uicollectionviewcell {

allow cell = collectionview.dequeuereusablecellwithreuseidentifier(collectioncell, forindexpath: indexpath) itemcollectioncell var ash = showcasearray.objectatindex(indexpath.section) as? showcase var idcat = ash?.id var catalogs = self.showcaseelements.objectforkey(idcat!) [catalog] var acatalog: catalog = catalogs[indexpath.row] catalog var test = acatalog.title cell.catalogtitle = test

when access nsobject of kind catalog much time spent assignement:

cell.catalogtitle = test

i cannot understand.

the nsobject is:

class catalog: nsobject { var contentid = "" var type = "" var title = "" var sequence = "" }

ios uitableview uicollectionview lazy-evaluation

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