Monday 15 August 2011

javascript - Get the value of an object property dynamically -

javascript - Get the value of an object property dynamically -

this question has reply here:

javascript object: access variable property name string [duplicate] 3 answers

i want value of object property. reasons wont go in to, need function abstract can utilize in different scenarios. here's have:

function getpropertyvalue(obj, prop){ homecoming obj.prop; } var obj = { name: "tom", age: 23 } console.log('age '); console.log(getpropertyvalue(obj, "age"));

this returns underfined because it's looking property "prop" on object, doesn't exist. how property passed prop, e.g. if "name" passed prop

the jsfiddle here

function getpropertyvalue(obj, prop){ homecoming obj[prop]; } var obj = { name: "tom", age: 23 } var name = getpropertyvalue(obj,"name"); var age = getpropertyvalue(obj,"age");


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