Monday 15 August 2011

jsf 2 - Why is reloaded every list on a ajax request? -

jsf 2 - Why is reloaded every list on a ajax request? -

i have blocks of code, next one, in form.

<a4j:outputpanel id="listvalues"> <a4j:repeat value="#{listbean.values}" var="avalue"> <a4j:outputpanel rendered="#{not empty avalue.value}"> <h:selectbooleancheckbox id="selectrecordcheck" value="#{listbean.avalueselectedmap[avalue.value]}"> <a4j:ajax event="valuechange" execute="@this" render="tagsvalues, listvalues" listener="#{listbean.listenervaluechange}" /> <a4j:param name="id" value="#{avalue.value}" /> <a4j:param name="value" value="#{listbean.avalueselectedmap[avalue.value]}" /> </h:selectbooleancheckbox> <h:outputlabel value="#{avalue.label}" /> <br /> </a4j:outputpanel> </a4j:repeat> </a4j:outputpanel> <a4j:outputpanel id="tagsvalues"> <table> <a4j:repeat value="#{listbean.listavirtualestadoseleccionados}" var="tag"> <tr> <td><h:outputtext styleclass="tags" value="#{tag}" /></td> </tr> </a4j:repeat> </table> </a4j:outputpanel>

the problem clicking on checkbox reload lists of other groups of checkboxes (other managedbean properties called).

how can avoid behavior?

running on jboss as6.1.0, mojarra 2.0.3, richfaces 4.3.7 thx


we had mojarra 2.0.3-b05 version. i've upgraded 2.0.11 (i've found bug on 2.1 in 2011 relationated) , added a4j:ajax element next code

immediate="true" limitrender="true" bypassupdates="true"

maybe adding attributes enough, think upgrading jsf version thought anyway.

pd: suppose there bug, because think has not sense behavior.

ajax jsf-2 richfaces

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