Thursday 15 September 2011

post - PHP | $_GET & $_POST issue -

post - PHP | $_GET & $_POST issue -

this question has reply here:

post , @ same time in php 5 answers

do have suggestions problem. need utilize $_get , $_post @ same time. $_get because need row user want save commit row through url. $_post because need write changed input csv file. looks this:

$filename = '../anfragen.csv'; $linenum = $_get['row']; $arr = file($filename); $linetoedit = $linenum; if($_get['speichern'] != null ) { $handle = fopen ("../anfragen.csv", "w"); $arr[$linetoedit] = utf8_decode($_post['email']) . ";" . $_post['gender'] . ";" . "\n"); // write array in csv file foreach($arr $line) { fwrite($handle,$line); } }

use $_request have $_get , $_post variables in 1 array.

php post get

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