Thursday 15 September 2011

web - Changes to _settings.scss not showing -

web - Changes to _settings.scss not showing -

changes made _settings.scss not seem take effect. running compass watch on project , can see notified on changes made.

let me take example: if uncomment , alter line

// $crumb-slash: "/";


$crumb-slash: "-";

as seen in their docs, , utilize breadcrumbs in html, such as

<nav class="breadcrumbs" role="menubar" aria-label="breadcrumbs"> <li role="menuitem"><a href="#">foo</a></li> <li role="menuitem" class="current"><a href="#">bar</a></li> </nav>

i still see slash instead of dash.

do need enable _settings.scss?


also worth mentioning fact deprecation warnings compass, regarding lines in _global.scss.

seems have weird html. within don't have utilize , seek html this:

<nav class="breadcrumbs"> <a href="#">home</a> <a href="#">features</a> <a class="unavailable" href="#">gene splicing</a> <a class="current" href="#">cloning</a> </nav>

i saw in source slash in foundation/components/_breadcrumbs.scss slash hardcoded in 1 line:

/* accessibility - hides forwards slash */ [aria-label="breadcrumbs"] [aria-hidden="true"]:after { content: "/"; }

maybe causes problems you? maybe bug?

web sass zurb-foundation compass-sass

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