Thursday 15 September 2011

yii - Yii1/Yii2: How to organize code in web application? -

yii - Yii1/Yii2: How to organize code in web application? -

when should utilize applications, when modules or when should utilize controllers? i'm not sure how split code these components , don't know when utilize what. can provide strategies or best practices? or practices regarded coding horror?

i assume extensions intended published or shared. these type of items not relevant question.

i know: it depends. there might advises not depend much on application , can given in general. or there advises like: if application kind of that.

what think when rbac comes play, restful apis or ajax-related stuff? or other things.

the yii2 definitive guide, "application structure" section provides application organization information: →

entry scripts, controllers, models, views, modules, filters, widgets, assets , extensions covered. "best practices" can found in several of "application structure" subsections.

rbac covered in yii2 guide security section. restful apis has it's own yii2 guide section. asynchronous js placed in assets bundle or registered view registerjs() or registerjsfile(). →

rbac, restful apis , ajax fit within yii2 "application structure" organization.

web-applications yii directory-structure yii2 yii-modules

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