Friday 15 March 2013 - Entity framework many-to-many relationship - - Entity framework many-to-many relationship -

ok, i'm trying figure out how setup db properly.

i have 2 classes:

public class event { public int eventid { get; set; } public string eventname { get; set; } }


public class dog { public int dogid { get; set; } public string name { get; set; } public int age { get; set; } }

an event must able contain collection of dogs. every dog must able part in event. i'm guessing phone call many-to-many relationship, not how set keys etc. hope i'm clear plenty i'm hoping achieve.

i asked similar question yesterday not clear on needed: have list of objects foreign key.


yes, n:n relationship. assuming code first, alter entities:

public class event { public event() { dogs = new hashset<dog>(); } public int eventid { get; set; } public string eventname { get; set; } public virtual icollection<dog> dogs { get; set; } } public class dog { public dog() { events = new hashset<event>(); } public int dogid { get; set; } public string name { get; set; } public int age { get; set; } public virtual icollection<event> events { get; set; } }

and onmodelcreating:

protected override void onmodelcreating(dbmodelbuilder modelbuilder) { modelbuilder.entity<dog>() .hasmany(d => .withmany(e => e.dogs) .map(m => { m.mapleftkey("dogid"); m.maprightkey("eventid"); m.totable("dogevent"); }); }

this should create junction table dogevent 2 foreign keys, dogid , eventid entity-framework

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